What is an SSL certificate?
Stop Web Form Spam - Our team is passionate about creating the best StopWebFormSpam stop spams for your business. What is an SSL certificate? SSL certificate s allow websites to move from HTTP to HTTP S, which means more security. An SSL certificate is a data file organized on a website’s origin server. SSL certificate s enable SSL /TLS encryption and contain the public key and identity of the website and associated information. Devices attempting to communicate with the origin server query this file to obtain the public key and verify the server’s identity. The private key is kept secret and secure. Want to know why SSL is essential? Here are our 5 key reasons. If you have a website or blog in 2021, you require SSL . It’s as simple as that. An SSL certificate is no longer a luxury, and it’s an absolute necessity today. Here are the five benefits of using an SSL certificate . 1. SSL protects your data The main function of an SSL certificate is to protect server...