What is an SSL certificate?

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What is an SSL certificate?

SSL certificates allow websites to move from HTTP to HTTPS, which means more security. An SSL certificate is a data file organized on a website’s origin server. SSL certificates enable SSL/TLS encryption and contain the public key and identity of the website and associated information. Devices attempting to communicate with the origin server query this file to obtain the public key and verify the server’s identity. The private key is kept secret and secure.

Want to know why SSL is essential? Here are our 5 key reasons.

If you have a website or blog in 2021, you require SSL. It’s as simple as that. An SSL certificate is no longer a luxury, and it’s an absolute necessity today.

Here are the five benefits of using an SSL certificate.

1. SSL protects your data

The main function of an SSL certificate is to protect server-client communication. By installing SSL, the whole of information is encrypted. Straightforward, the data is locked and can only be unlocked by the recipient (browser or server), as no one else can have the key to open it.

When it comes to sensitive data such as IDs, passwords, credit card numbers, etc., SSL helps protect you against the army of hackers and skimmers. Because the data is converted into an unbreakable format by SSL, the ability of hackers proves to be a blunt weapon against the unbeatable encryption technology of SSL certificates.

2. SSL Affirms Your Identity

The second main task of an SSL certificate is to ensure the authentication of a site.

Identity verification is one of the most important sources of web security. There is no doubt that the internet is becoming more and more deceptive. In 2009, a man traveled 400 miles to meet a girl he had met on Facebook, only to find that he had been scammed by two men who supported a rival football club. But not all of these stories are funny. There have been cases of people losing thousands of dollars on fake websites where the SSL certificate comes in.

If you like to install an SSL certificate, you have to go through a validation process done by an independent third party called the Certificate Authority (CA). Depending on the type of certificate, the CA will verify your identity and that of your organization. Once you have proven your identity, your website receives trust indicators that certify your integrity. When users see them, they know who they are dealing with.

Think of it like verified Twitter accounts.

The only dissimilarity is that you have to verify your identity for the website and not for the Twitter account. This verification ensures that no fraudster creates a fake website posing as your own. In technical terms, this is known as phishing. SSL ensures that users are directed to your actual website, protects users from fraud, and strengthens your reputation.

3. Better Search Engine Ranking

In 2014, Google introduced changes to its algorithm that favor HTTPS websites. Evidenced by several studies conducted by SEO experts around the world. One such study by Brian Dean, founder of Backlinko.com, shows a strong correlation between HTTPS and better search engine rankings.

Who wouldn’t want to be on the first page of Google, right?

4. SSL helps you meet PCI/DSS requirements

If you accept online payments, you must be aware of PCI/DSS requirements, and your website must be PCI compliant. Having an SSL certificate installed is one of the 12 main requirements set by the Payment Card Industry (PCI).

Therefore, SSL is essential whether you want it or not.

5. SSL Improves Customer Trust

If it were up to us, we would change the name SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to TTL (Trust Transmitting Layer). Fortunately, this is not the case. But that won’t stop us praising TTL – er, SSL – additionally to encryption and authentication, SSL certificates are also essential from customer trust. Simply identifiable characters inform users that the data they send will be protected. If you have installed OV or EV SSL, they can see your organization’s data.

Once they realize that you are a legitimate entity, they are more likely to do business with you or even revisit your website.

Google was making SSL mandatory in 2018

Google has decided to flag websites that do not have an SSL/TLS certificate installed from 2018 onwards to ensure a more secure web browsing experience. If someone does not comply with this rule, all popular web browsers used worldwide, such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, will penalize them with a “Not secure” warning message in the URL bar. It is possible that shortly, the website will be blocked from loading in the browser. Although what kind of website you have, from a personal blog to a shopping portal, SSL is mandatory, non-compliance may result in a loss of visitors that the website owner does not want.

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