Ten types of security software your business website needs

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Ten types of security software your business website needs

Like any other company owner with an online presence, you may think your website or online store is safe because you have a good security structure. But have you ever thought about outside threats that can enter your system through backdoors, such as your employees’ phones that regularly enter and exit your system unhindered? What about various applications integrated into your system, such as your CRM? If not, you could also put up a “We’re Open” sign inviting potential hackers in.

Good security software for business websites ensures all your data is safe and secure in an online environment. There are many types of data breachescybersecurity threats, device theft, and insider threats, to name a few. Therefore, it’s essential to know the different types of security software to decide which software will give your business website the protection it requires. 

Millions of people suffered from data breaches in 2019 where their personal information was stolen. The attacks often target people’s data, credit cards, and passwords.

However, huge companies are not the only targets of these threats. Small businesses are equally at risk. According to First Data’s record, 60% of small businesses close within six months of a fraud attack. It’s easy to understand why.

Thirty-one percent of customers who have experienced a fraud attack will not contact the business again, despite of who is at fault for the cyberattack. With the shift of business to online commerce, the risk is increasing. In 2018, approximately $19 billion in losses were recorded from non-card transactions.

Why your business website requires security software?

The statistics circulating about online security are troubling. And do you know why? Because hackers don’t discriminate. They target businesses large and small.

They will grab information about your business and personal information about your customers. And sometimes they even want to destroy your company’s reputation to make money from you.

Haven’t you been paying too much attention to online security news lately? Here are some of the statistics you should keep an eye on.

  • According to a report from Verizon, there were about 53,308 security incidents and 2,216 data breaches in 2018.
  • Of all the websites Symantec scanned last year, 76% were breached, and 9% of them were in a critical state.
  • Websites aren’t the only victims, either: 2.4 browser vulnerabilities were discovered daily last year.
  • In its weekly review of websites, Google typically has to blocklist thousands of websites due to malware infections and phishing scams.
  • Many small businesses are becoming targets of cyberattacks.
  • The global cost of cyberattacks was $120 billion in 2018.

Online businesses are a necessity in today’s digital world. Still, it’s also scary to think about how quickly things can turn for the worse just because a malicious link or DDoS attack destroys everything you’ve built.

There are so numerous ways hackers can get into your website. Malware, ransomware, phishing, web content scraping, distributed denial of service attacks. Building multiple walls around your website would be best to protect your business and your online customers.

Ten security software you should be using on your website in 2022

However, increasing security within your website is only the first step. First of all, your website requires to have security built in from the inside out. It  means utilizing a security service from your hosting provider, installing a security plugin on your site, and following strict login protocols (for example, two-factor authentication, regular password changes, etc.) You must also build a protective wall around your website and your company’s hardware.

Are all these security measures too much of a good thing? Most definitely not. Take another look at the statistics from above. Are you willing to take the risk that your website won’t be one of those hacked every year by not beefing up security measures? And if so, can you afford the hefty $20,000 cost associated with security breaches on average?

So, are you ready to look at the ten security programs your website needs in 2022? Let’s get started.

1. Computer antivirus

At first look, you may not think that your company’s computers or mobile devices can cause a cyberattack on your website, but if you use them to access the backend of your website, they most certainly can. That’s why antivirus software like Norton that cleans all devices on your corporate network (or generally all devices used to access your website) is essential.

2. Anti-spyware software

Spyware is a silent threat that has severe consequences if left unchecked. It is created to spy on victims’ online activities, view their browsing habits, and, even worse, find out highly confidential personal information, usernames and passwords. Anti-spyware tools have been developed to detect and remove these threats, such as password recorders and critical loggers, to name a few.

3. Network security

Your company’s network also must be secured, and there are several ways to do this. You can use encrypted WLAN, equip your network with antivirus and anti-malware software, deploy a firewall, or hire a company like Cisco to monitor and secure your network.

4. Firewalls

Firewalls serve as the first line of defense against cyber threats, analyzing and filtering incoming and outgoing data. Can customize firewall rules and policies based on user preference and requirements. One example is the creation of exceptions, so specific applications can regularly pass through a firewall without being flagged as a false alarm. Firewalls are already built into some operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows. This software prevents unauthorized users from accessing networks and restricts authorized users.

5. Password manager

Password management software is designed to increase system security while preventing password storage errors in web browsers. These tools serve as centralized password repositories that can store critical data such as connection details and credit card numbers.

6. Encryption software

These solutions permit users to encrypt and decrypt all data types, whether at rest, in the data stream, or transit. They encrypt the contents of an application, data object, network packet, or file so only authorized users can view it. They utilize encryption algorithms to encrypt files and data and generate keys that represent files and data packets. The encryption ensures that even if the data is intercepted, it cannot be viewed without encryption.

7. Log management software

Log management software is a tool that automates the policies and processes associated with managing a computer system’s entire log data cycle – from creation to transmission to analysis to disposal. It is an essential component of security intelligence and critical for system security and regulatory compliance.

8. Bot mitigation

Bots are those pesky “automated” hackers that place fake and malicious spam posts and links on your website. They also crawl your website and grab content and sensitive data that falls into their hands. Even though some plugins can prevent certain types of bot activity, it is still essential to have bot activity monitoring and mitigation software that alerts you to these threats. Incapsula offers software and other helpful security-enhancing services and solutions that might interest you.

9. Monitoring tool

Numerous security monitoring services are expensive and not always accessible to SMBs. However, some companies have developed security monitoring self-management tools that are affordable and easy to use for this very reason. While the above software is necessary to make it more difficult for hackers to attack, monitoring provides you peace of mind that you are aware of anyone who breaches your security measures.

10. Intrusion prevention systems

Intrusion Prevention Systems are threat prevention and network security tools that detect and defend against the exploitation of vulnerabilities. These threats usually target specific applications or services that aim to control programs or computers. IPSs improve system protection by acting as an additional layer that analyzes potentially dangerous data and responds to all traffic passing through the network.


Aside from the inconvenience of cleaning up after a cyberattack and the associated costs, there are two other important things to consider:

Your customers: As an e-commerce business, they trust you to provide them with a safe online shopping environment. While you could lose money (and face) in a cyberattack, your customers could lose private information about their identity and money if payment information is compromised. Their physical security could be at risk as well.

Your company’s reputation: People won’t view a cyberattack as a minor. They will see it as a reflection of how you do business. Everything on your website directly reflects you, the people who work for you, and your entire brand. In other words: If you’re not doing everything right, it means you don’t care enough about what happens after the sale.

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